Individual Artist Fellowship Program
March 1 Deadline
Review the Fellowship Guidelines
Cash awards are made to individual artists in the visual arts based on merit of
work, career achievement, career potential and service to the state. This component
provides awards to recognize artistic excellence as well as professional commitment
and maturity and contributes to the further development of the artist and the
advancement of his or her professional career. Applicants are encouraged to be as
specific as possible about the proposed use of fellowship funds in order to illustrate
the seriousness of their professional intent. Fellowships are competitive. Quality
of work and professionalism as determined by samples of work and narrative are particularly
important. Provide samples of the highest quality work completed within the last
five years.
Fellowship applicants must be legal residents of Alabama
for a minimum of two years prior to the application deadline, and are expected to
maintain residency during the grant award year (Oct. 1 - Sept. 30). Artists who have
previously been awarded a fellowship are eligible to apply for a second fellowship
six years after their first fellowship. After an artist has received two fellowships,
they are no longer eligible to apply.
Types of Fellowships
Visual Arts includes painting, sculpture, printmaking, book arts, and experimental and conceptual approaches.
Craft includes work made using clay, fiber, glass, leather, metal, paper, plastic, wood, or mixed media.
Media and the Gay Burke Photography Fellowship includes film, audio and sound installations, video, experimental technology and work created using computers or other digital technology as the primary expressive vehicle.
Supplemental Materials
Be prepared to submit the following with your application:
- Descriptions of work sample, with medium and technique described
- Photographs of 10 examples of work from the past 5 years (Detail shots can be included, but no more than ten images will be accepted)
- Artist CV